Dare we say it? The daffodils are popping out, there are hints of buds in the trees. We may have had beautiful sunshine, pouring rain and hurtling hailstones all in the last few hours, but we think spring is on its way.
It’s this time of year that we start to pack away the winter gear and get into the mood for some spring gardening. If you don’t have a lot of space in your home, self-storage could be the solution for your seasonal gear.
Whether you live in a flat or own a home, live alone or have a full family of kids, dogs, cats and hamsters, you probably could still do with a little bit more space. We all cram a lot of clutter into our homes, and we don’t all have a handy garage to fill.
Using self-storage in Shoreditch as an option is a great way to increase your space. Our units come in a variety of sizes. So if you just need a little cupboard, a small shed or something as big as a garage, come and see how we can help you.
The bravest of campers will be starting to pull their gear out of storage now – the rest of us will be waiting another month or two. But now is a good time to unwrap the tent and let it air inside the unit, check for holes and repair seams.
You can also use the left over space in your unit – If there is any – to check your equipment, such as folding tables and chairs, pots and camping stoves.
You probably won’t have been using your bikes much over the winter, particularly in the sleet and hailstorms of late. Now that spring is in the air, it’s time to get the bikes out of storage and check the brakes and tyres. There are some lovely parks around Shoreditch for cycling with the children.
Whether you live in a flat or own a home, live alone or have a full family of kids, dogs, cats and hamsters, you probably could still do with a little bit more space. We all cram a lot of clutter into our homes, and we don’t all have a handy garage to fill.
Using self-storage in Shoreditch as an option is a great way to increase your space. Our units come in a variety of sizes. So if you just need a little cupboard, a small shed or something as big as a garage, come and see how we can help you.
The bravest of campers will be starting to pull their gear out of storage now – the rest of us will be waiting another month or two. But now is a good time to unwrap the tent and let it air inside the unit, check for holes and repair seams.
You can also use the left over space in your unit – If there is any – to check your equipment, such as folding tables and chairs, pots and camping stoves.
You probably won’t have been using your bikes much over the winter, particularly in the sleet and hailstorms of late. Now that spring is in the air, it’s time to get the bikes out of storage and check the brakes and tyres. There are some lovely parks around Shoreditch for cycling with the children.
Whether you live in a flat or own a home, live alone or have a full family of kids, dogs, cats and hamsters, you probably could still do with a little bit more space. We all cram a lot of clutter into our homes, and we don’t all have a handy garage to fill.
Using self-storage in Shoreditch as an option is a great way to increase your space. Our units come in a variety of sizes. So if you just need a little cupboard, a small shed or something as big as a garage, come and see how we can help you.
If you already take advantage of using self-storage for extra space in the home, you’ll be preparing to take your spring items out of storage.
There’s plenty of things to get ready for the garden, starting with the tools. Rakes for all those winter leaves, the wheelbarrow, spades to start turning the flower beds and, the biggest job of all, the lawnmower.
After the winter there will be some home repairs to do as well, so collect your ladder to clean out the gutters and wash the windows.
There will be plenty of time to get the summer toys out of self-storage, but one thing you do want straight away will be your table and chairs. Give them a quick brush down and you’ll have somewhere to relax and enjoy your cup of tea after a hard morning gardening.
The bravest of campers will be starting to pull their gear out of storage now – the rest of us will be waiting another month or two. But now is a good time to unwrap the tent and let it air inside the unit, check for holes and repair seams.
You can also use the left over space in your unit – If there is any – to check your equipment, such as folding tables and chairs, pots and camping stoves.
You probably won’t have been using your bikes much over the winter, particularly in the sleet and hailstorms of late. Now that spring is in the air, it’s time to get the bikes out of storage and check the brakes and tyres. There are some lovely parks around Shoreditch for cycling with the children.
Whether you live in a flat or own a home, live alone or have a full family of kids, dogs, cats and hamsters, you probably could still do with a little bit more space. We all cram a lot of clutter into our homes, and we don’t all have a handy garage to fill.
Using self-storage in Shoreditch as an option is a great way to increase your space. Our units come in a variety of sizes. So if you just need a little cupboard, a small shed or something as big as a garage, come and see how we can help you.
Consider the items that are taking up space in your home, that you are not going to need again until for the next 6 months or more. There’s the sledges for the kids, some ski gear lying about from your winter holiday and, maybe, even some boxes of Christmas decoration that are still taking up space in the cupboards.
In another few weeks we may even see a bit more sunshine and higher temperatures. That means it’s time to start preparing your winter clothes for storage.
Wash and dry your woolly jumpers and thick winter coats, and empty out any pockets. Fold and place your jumpers in plastic boxes with scarfs and hats. If you are storing coats you may want to invest in a hanging rail to keep the air flowing between fabrics and creases from setting in.
If you already take advantage of using self-storage for extra space in the home, you’ll be preparing to take your spring items out of storage.
There’s plenty of things to get ready for the garden, starting with the tools. Rakes for all those winter leaves, the wheelbarrow, spades to start turning the flower beds and, the biggest job of all, the lawnmower.
After the winter there will be some home repairs to do as well, so collect your ladder to clean out the gutters and wash the windows.
There will be plenty of time to get the summer toys out of self-storage, but one thing you do want straight away will be your table and chairs. Give them a quick brush down and you’ll have somewhere to relax and enjoy your cup of tea after a hard morning gardening.
The bravest of campers will be starting to pull their gear out of storage now – the rest of us will be waiting another month or two. But now is a good time to unwrap the tent and let it air inside the unit, check for holes and repair seams.
You can also use the left over space in your unit – If there is any – to check your equipment, such as folding tables and chairs, pots and camping stoves.
You probably won’t have been using your bikes much over the winter, particularly in the sleet and hailstorms of late. Now that spring is in the air, it’s time to get the bikes out of storage and check the brakes and tyres. There are some lovely parks around Shoreditch for cycling with the children.
Whether you live in a flat or own a home, live alone or have a full family of kids, dogs, cats and hamsters, you probably could still do with a little bit more space. We all cram a lot of clutter into our homes, and we don’t all have a handy garage to fill.
Using self-storage in Shoreditch as an option is a great way to increase your space. Our units come in a variety of sizes. So if you just need a little cupboard, a small shed or something as big as a garage, come and see how we can help you.